Spiritual Bouquet for Bishop Daniel E. Thomas 10th Anniversary

In celebration of Bishop Daniel E. Thomas' 10-year anniversary as Bishop of the Diocese of Toledo, we are building a "spiritual bouquet" to present to him.

What is a spiritual bouquet?

A spiritual bouquet is a collection of prayers, sacrifices, or devotional acts offered by one person or a group of people for a particular intention or as a gift to another person. It is a way to show support, love, and gratitude through spiritual means. Instead of physical flowers, the “bouquet” consists of spiritual offerings like:

  1. Prayers: Specific prayers, such as the Rosary or Divine Mercy Chaplet.
  2. Eucharistic Holy Hours: Spending an hour in front of the Blessed Sacrament praying for the intention.
  3. Masses: Having Masses offered for the person’s intentions.
  4. Fasting: Offering a period of fasting or abstinence.
  5. Acts of Charity: Engaging in acts of kindness or service.

These spiritual gifts are often presented to the recipient in a card or letter, sometimes beautifully designed to resemble a bouquet of flowers, indicating the types and numbers of spiritual acts being offered.

On the form below, type a number beside the item/items you are going to offer in Thanksgiving for Bishop Daniel E. Thomas' 10th anniversary. Then click submit.

On October 22, 2024, we will present Bishop Thomas with the spiritual bouquet, listing the number of each prayer and sacrifice that is being offered in thanksgiving for his years of service to the Diocese of Toledo.

Please note: This will be a surprise for Bishop Daniel E. Thomas. Please do not mention it to him!