Senior Staff
Most Reverend Daniel E. Thomas
Bishop of Toledo

Reverend Monsignor William J. Kubacki, VG
Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia
Serving as Moderator of the Curia, Msgr. Kubacki chairs the Senior Staff and coordinates the activities of the Diocesan senior directors as well as the operations of the Pastoral Center. On behalf of the bishop, he coordinates issues involving temporalities throughout the diocese such as property, construction, and insurance. In addition to this, Msgr. Kubacki advises the bishop on parish matters and diocesan personnel appointments.
Reverend Michael Dandurand

Vicar for Clergy and Senior Director of Clergy, Consecrated Life & Vocations
As senior director of the Department of Clergy, Consecrated Life & Vocations, Father Dandurand provides special pastoral services on behalf of the Bishop of Toledo for the priests, deacons and religious in the Diocese, including clergy formation, continuing education, faculties, sabbaticals, retreats, convocations, study days, senior status clergy and chairing the Priest Personnel Board and the Deacon Personnel Board.

Sr. Rose Marie Timmer, RSM, JCL
The Chancellor is appointed by the Diocesan Bishop and reports to him as a member of his Senior Staff. The Chancellor expedites canonical matters, records dispensations and decrees, collects and preserves other diocesan and parish records, assists parishes with sacramental records, collects statistical information for the Diocese, and facilitates communications with other dioceses and the Holy See. The responsibility for preparing the acts and documents of the Curia as well as their preservation in the archives belongs to the Chancellor. By virtue of office, the Chancellor is an ecclesiastical notary.
Mrs. Patricia Williams
Chief Operating Officer - Diocese of Toledo Management Corporation and Finance Officer - Roman Catholic Diocese of Toledo in America

The Chief Operations/Finance Officer is responsible for the administration of the temporal goods of the Diocese and their strategic use. Oversees the preparation of strategic and operational plans as well as annual operating budgets for the Diocese and its ecclesiastical organizations. Serves on various committees and boards of related Diocesan organizations in order to provide financial guidance, operational oversight, and promote adherence to Canon Law. Oversees the Directors, Managers and Staff of the Diocese of Toledo Management Corporation.

Mr. Bret Huntebrinker
Senior Director of Discipleship and Family Life
Bret Huntebrinker is responsible for strategic leadership of the Department of Discipleship and Family Life to serve parishes by providing resources, training and specialized expertise so that parishes can develop specific programs and events to reach their parish faith communities.

Mr. Rodney O. Schuster, MBA
Executive Director of Catholic Charities Diocese of Toledo
Senior Director of Catholic Social Ministry
As senior director of the Department of Catholic Social Services, Mr. Schuster is responsible for strategic planning, vision and oversight of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Toledo, including the development of outreach initiatives focusing on care for God's creation, human trafficking and immigration.
Mr. Kyle Kubik
Senior Director of the Department of Catholic Education

The senior director of the Department of Catholic Education provides leadership, direct supervision and management of the Catholic Education Department team. This faith-inspired, big picture, strategic, innovative leader promotes and advances the Catholic identity, academic excellence, and ensures the vitality and viability of the Catholic schools. He assists the Bishop of Toledo in his teaching mission by encouraging and supporting leaders of catechetical formation in the parishes and schools, while overseeing catechetical formation from youth to adult, as well as caring for home school families and the formation of lay ecclesial ministry.

Ms. Kelly Donaghy
Senior Director of Communications
The senior director of the Department of Communications is responsible for media relations and messaging of the Diocese to effectively convey and support the pastoral and administrative priorities of the Office of the Bishop of Toledo, the vision and mission of the Diocese and the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. She also guides the development and implementation of external and internal marketing/communications strategies and plans for the Diocese.