Bishop Thomas said, "Our pilgrimage began after arriving safely and early in Madrid, with prayer and a first stop in Aranjuez! We spent time at the Palace, enjoyed the extensive gardens (where we took our first pilgrim photo!), and visited the Royal Chapel and parish of San Antonio, where we prayed in adoration before the Blessed Sacrament remembering all of you and your intentions! After a delightful lunch, we boarded the bus to make our way to Toledo, taking in the country side while praying the rosary with you in mind! Together with our 40 pilgrims, I ask you to keep us in your prayers and invite you to make this pilgrimage with us through social media!"

Bishop Thomas said, "Blessed be God! What a gift of grace and historic evening it was in the Cathedral of Toledo (Spain) for our pilgrim group from Toledo (Ohio) to greet, visit and offer Holy Mass with Archbishop Francisco Cerro Chavez at the High Altar! The Archbishop was so gracious, spending time with our pilgrim group as we exchanged gifts and shared the joy of the moment in the Cathedral Sacristy! I gifted Archbishop Francisco the 100th Anniversary Book of the Diocese of Toledo, a rosary and guided tour books of our Cathedral, Vestments made by one of our parishioners, a linen hand towel embroidered with the Coat of Arms of our Diocese, and a glass art bowl from the Toledo Museum of Art! I invited the Archbishop to come to visit us and offer Mass in our Cathedral! What a blessed and extraordinary day!"

Posted October 12, 2022 at 9:35 am