Bishop Daniel E. Thomas said, "O Lord, our God, unwearied is your love for us! As we made our pilgrim way by bus from Toledo to Madrid, you were remembered in Morning Prayer, Rosary, and throughout the day! After being oriented to the city, our walking tour brought us first to the Church of St James, then through the old city and to St Michael Market! We took in the vibrant life in the Main Square, then it was on to the Prado museum where we were on sensory "overload" viewing and admiring the genius of world renown artists, spiritually inspired by countless moving religious pieces! The day culminated at the Cathedral de la Almudena, dedicated to the Holy Virgin, Patroness of Madrid. We celebrated Holy Mass in the daily Mass Chapel, remembering especially all those who are ill in body mind or spirit. We are all depending on your prayers and assuring you all of ours! Christ's Peace!"

Posted October 14, 2022 at 7:00 am