Bishop Daniel E. Thomas, "It is love alone that gives worth to all things" (St Teresa of Avila). The first half of the 5th day of our pilgrimage was filled with inspiration as we spent the morning in the city of Avila, blessed and awed by the powerful saintly life and witness of Saint Teresa of Jesus, on this eve of her feast day! We visited and prayed at the Convent of the Encarnacion, where she lived and made religious profession; we were privileged to visit and pray at the place of her birth; to offer Mass in the Chapel of San Segundo in the Cathedral of Avila, where we had the joy of blessing one of our couples on their anniversary of marriage! Continuing to remember you and your each day of this pilgrimage, today we prayed especially for all our priests, consecrated religious and deacons, and for an increase in vocations for our local Church. St Theresa of Avila, pray for us!

Bishop Daniel E. Thomas said, ""Oh, Living Flame of Love" (St John of the Cross). Before departing Avila, we marveled at the magnificent Catedral del Salvador of Avila, its Sacristy and treasury, and then paused to enjoy each others company and a lunch of local fare! We then continued on to Segovia, to be awed by the city and home of another mystic, ascetic and Doctor of the Church, St John of the Cross, where we visited his monastery, his tomb, and were so taken by his life and witness! We prayed for and with you all to this Saint of profound spiritual depth. The pilgrimage continued beneath the medieval castle, then on foot, past the Roman aqueducts, through the old city and main square, arriving at the glorious Cathedral of Segovia, with its numerous side chapels, countless works of sacred art and the grand cloister, which made for a perfect ending of a spiritually, culturally and historically enriching day! Tomorrow, on to Italy! St John of the Cross, pray for us!"

Posted October 15, 2022 at 6:32 am