Bishop Daniel E. Thomas said, "Pax et bonum" (Peace and all good!) Our pilgrimage took us by plane, bus and on foot from Spain to Italy Saturday, praying the Liturgy of the Hours on the way, arriving in Assisi with our first stop for Mass at a chapel within Santa Maria degli Angeli, wherein one finds the Portiuncula! We then made our way up and into the town to our hotel, coming upon a medieval street "parade" and then enjoying the vistas from the patios, and seeing Assisi by night! Remembering you and your intentions throughout the day and at Mass, our general intention for the day, as only fitting, was for the poor, the marginalized, the unemployed, the immigrant and those who go without! Blessings from the city of Saint Francis of Assisi!

Posted October 16, 2022 at 7:00 am