With all the Saints we praise you! After Sunday Maas at the High Altar in the Basilica of St Francis, just above his tomb, we prayed and visited there, then it was on to the Church of Saint Clare which houses her incorrupt body, and we prayed for you before the San Damiano crucifix which spoke to Francis! A visit to Santa Maria Maggiore found us enthralled to spend time in prayer before the glass casket of Blessed Carlo Acutis! We prayed in the "stable" where Francis was born, in the now Church which was his parents' home, explored the city square and shops! Meeting old and new friends along the way, we prayed in and toured Santa Maria degli Angeli and the Portiuncula, before praying evening prayer together on the balcony of the hotel watching a breathtaking sunset! You remain in our prayers, we depend on yours! Saints of God, come to our aid!

Posted October 17, 2022 at 7:00 am