"Ora et Labora" (Prayer and Work). The Monastic motto served as our impetus for prayer Monday as we made a sort of pilgrimage within a pilgrimage to Norcia (Italy), birthplace of Saints Benedict and Scholastica. We visited the town so well known for sausage and wild boar, and made our way to meet and visit the Benedictine Monks who have reestablished and are constructing a new monastery in Norcia at San Benedetto in Monte! We so appreciated first offering Mass in the Chapel, gathering for prayer with the monks aa they chanted the daytime hour, enjoyed a "beer tasting" of the beers the monks produce to support themselves, and being treated to an excellent pronzone at the local agriturismo farm! Today, our general intention was for all farmers, laborers, those who work so hard in so many service professions! You and your intentions are in our prayers every step of this pilgrim way!

Posted October 19, 2022 at 7:00 am