Experiences from the Eucharistic Congress

About 300 pilgrims from the Diocese of Toledo attended the National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis. Read what the pilgrims said about their experience:

  • Name: David and Irene Bland we went with Joann Karl.
  • Parish: We are from Epiphany Of The Lord, Joann is from Mount Carmel in Bono.
  • Why did you decide to attend the National Eucharistic Congress?
    We attended to be refreshed and inspired about The Eucharist
  • Describe your feelings at the Eucharistic Congress, either at a specific moment or overall.
    Irene's moments were at Adoration and quietness of 50,000, focusing on Jesus. Seeing so many priest's, religious, bishops all in one place in one accord. Healing services were powerful, I received gift of tears through talks. The variety of praise was powerful also, very diverse.
  • How has the Eucharistic Congress changed you?
    Each main speaker was right on point, it confirmed what we have already been doing but now in a more intense way.
    It has given us a deeper to desire to be in or at Eucharist Adoration. We were getting complacent in prayer and extra time with Jesus. It has stirred into flame the coals of our love for His Presence

    Speakers spoke of being in small groups to build up, which we have been doing for 40 years in prayer groups
  • What are your hopes/plans for your parish in the Year of Mission?
    Our plans for our parish and prayer group is to reach out more, be more inviting. We have questions about our parish plans but would love to share with others the talks and the experiences. Also to pray for more interest in Eucharist Adoration.

  • Name: Fr Jim Brown, Senior Status now, living at the Commons of Providence in Sandusky, Ohio.
  • Why did you decide to attend the National Eucharistic Congress?
    I signed up early for this event and decided to go with the Diocesan bus excursion. What a wonderful experience.This was a part of my summer renewal project, the Priest convocation in June, the Encounter in downtown Toledo in June and this event in July. I remarked that on a scale of one t ten, the Encounter was a seven, the Eucharistic congress for me was a twelve.
  • Describe your feelings at the Eucharistic Congress, either at a specific moment or overall.
    My impression is that the entire event was super well organized, a bit of overload if one tried to do everything. The vendors' display was like going into a Walmart and going up an down aisle after aisle. OMGosh! The speakers were all top shelf. Celebrating the Eucharist everyday early in the morning, first thing then closing the day in Adoration was awesome.
  • How has the Eucharistic Congress changed you?
    Celebrating our living faith in the Real Presence of Jesus with 60,000 Catholics from around the country is a confirmation that God is doing some marvelous things in our own day and we can be proud to be Catholic by living and showing our faith in Jesus to the whole country adn the world. But we got a lot to do.
  • What are your hopes/plans for your parish in the Year of Mission?
    Back home, there are so many, too many that didn't even know about the Congress or what was happening. So our mission is to share our story and invite folks back to Mass and into a new relationship with Jesus.

  • Name: My name is Catherine Holmes & I was blessed to be able to attended with my sister, Donna Payton.
  • Parish: Our home parish is St. Mary’s Wakeman.
  • Why did you decide to attend the National Eucharistic Congress?
    When I 1st heard of the NEC I knew I wanted to be there and that God would make it possible. The Holy Spirit moved me to deeply desire this encounter. I didn’t even know all the details of it honestly until the months or weeks preceding the NEC. I then began to have a better grasp on the magnitude of this event in the history of our church. Though it wasn’t until you arrived at Indianapolis that you begin to truly experience the planning and magnitude of this NEC.
  • Describe your feelings at the Eucharistic Congress, either at a specific moment or overall.
    We spent 5 days in prayer, rosary, holy mass, adoration with the opportunity of confession as well. Our days went from 5-6 am to midnight each day. Though we should have been exhausted, we were invigorated by the Holy Spirit. We walked 7-9 miles a day on average. We only ate 3 meals outside of some snacks, but we were fed on the bread of heaven-the body of our Lord Jesus Christ. Though I typically would have been very hungry, I was satisfied and too busy being filled with the Holy Spirit that physical food was not as necessary. I imagined that this was how the apostles felt once they experienced their Pentecost.

    I was overcome by the spirit of the youth present, often singing out in the halls of the expo center giving glory to God and our Lord, Jesus Christ. The number of families present, the elderly, those limited by physical incapacities of their earthly bodies, but they were there doing it all. I will forever recall the unity of everyone present, the kindness amidst the enormous crowds of people, the silence of 60,000 faithful in adoration of our Lord and each presenter who lifted us and provided wisdom for our missionary journey. The various mass experiences and celebrants expanded my worship or our Lord and reminded me of the universality of our Catholic faith.
  • How has the Eucharistic Congress changed you?
    I have been discerning veiling for about 2 years now, 1 year ago finally purchasing veils, though not yet veiling. This conference experience brought forth the need to die to my pride and offered our Lord’s humility instead. I realized that I had been keeping Jesus out of my wounds, when I just needed to let Him enter them so that I can truly be healed. Dying to self, so that Jesus can do what He desires for me. Veiling became my personal journey to humbling myself before our Lord and has allowed me to draw ever closer to Him as I struggle to die to myself and the opinions of this world.
  • What are your hopes/plans for your parish in the Year of Mission?
    I came home in awe our Lord and the mysteries of our faith. My soul is burning for the love and mercy of Jesus. I hope to foster further unity of our parish community, recognition of individuals gifts, further devotion to weekly mass and adoration experiences, willingness to offer personal sacrifices for the return of individuals to the church, loving invitation for others to join events or mass attendance, and further development of our individual parish vocation program.

  • Name: My name is DJ White. I am a Theology teacher at Central Catholic High School and attended the Congress with a group of students and teachers from CCHS.
  • Parish: My home parish has been All Saints in Rossford; however, I have recently moved and plan to attend Regina Coeli.
  • Why did you decide to attend the National Eucharistic Congress?
    I had a profound experience early last school year at the Diocosean retreat for Eucharistic Revival that drew me into the Sacrament. When news got to me that I had the opportunity to attend, I jumped on it.
  • Describe your feelings at the Eucharistic Congress, either at a specific moment or overall.
    I experienced several emotions over the course of this Congress. Mostly, I would say I experienced Awe and Wonder seeing so many individuals coming together to love God and one another in such a profound way. It was inspiring to see and something I plan to bring what I experienced back into the classroom.
  • How has the Eucharistic Congress changed you?
    I would say that this experience has changed my devotion to God. I often struggle with getting to Mass or praying often (despite what I do for a living). But because of this opportunity, I have experienced a joy and purpose beyond description that I don't want to let drift away.
  • What are your hopes/plans for your parish in the Year of Mission?
    My plan is to use this experience to bring a sense of devotion to my students throughout the year.

Posted July 25, 2024 at 1:29 pm