Kalida Students for Life Wins Best High School Group Award

A pro-life high school group in the Diocese of Toledo was named Best High School Group in the nation by Students for Life of America!

Founded in December 2022, Kalida Students for Life might be a new group, but they’re already making a big impact! In less than a year, they've hosted incredibly successful events, like a Bonfire and Pro-Life Movie night, which brought in more than 75 students! They've also attracted national attention. They were named the Best High School Group by Students for Life of America!

We asked them about their group and the Students for Life High School Group of the Year award they recently received. Here’s what they shared:

How and why was the group started?

In June of 2022, I had no clue what Roe v. Wade really was or that it was recently reversed. Then, I went to a ProLife bonfire. At first the only reason I went was because I knew there was going to be an outside movie. After hearing Jamie Scherdin talk, I knew that this was something I wanted to do. I ran up to her and was like how do you start one of these groups. In the beginning, I faced some obstacles. It was hard to find the support to get it in our school. However, even with these obstacles, I didn't back down. I started small with an online program for individuals without a group called Pro-Life Gen Voices. This program gave me the confidence to not back down, and to fight for what I believed in. I would get support from friends, and after facing a couple obstacles with the school, we would have our first tabling event on December 16, 2022. From there it was having meetings and events that would spread the Pro-Life Message.

My intention with this group was to spread the pro-life message in our school and community. I realized in the beginning that many students just like me knew abortion was bad, but didn’t know all of its dangers. I also wanted it to be a welcoming place where all pro-life students could come and realize that they are not alone.
–Ella, 17 (Senior)

What kind of activities does the group do? Which activities have been the most successful?

When we started 5 members of the group went to the 2023 National March for Life and Summit. That was a kick off for the year. The Kalida Students for Life group started with a tabling event at our high school. We had two people passing out informational cards for anyone wanting one, and the others was behind the information table, talking with many students interested in learning more or not sure what it was. Another event our group did was chalking. Many people showed up to chalk the town with pro-life messages. Ella, Erica, and I went to a political workshop at Ashland University, where we learned more details about abortion, including statistics and rates. Our group also went to the local Rite Aid and Joined the event Cancel Abortion Cartels for national problems, such as the distribution of chemical abortion pills. Around the end of April, we received an email that told us we have been nominated as group of the year, and we are invited to go to DC for the national leaders collective in June. In June, we found out we are High School Group of the Year.

The most successful activities we have done would be the tabling event where people wanted to learn what we were doing and after talking with us for a while, they then signed up to be in our group. Another successful activity was the chalking. Many people showed up and wanted to use their creativity to make a difference.
–Lauren, 15 (Sophomore)

Why is it important for high school students to be actively involved in the pro-life movement?

It is extremely important for high school students to be actively involved in the pro life movement. First off, we are the next generation who will be future leaders in the world. Secondly, it is also amazing to see young people so passionate about a controversial issue. Finally, it’s important because these babies that are aborted don't have a voice, and the least we can do is be a voice for them.
–Ella, 17 (Senior)

How was the group nominated?

Our group was nominated by Jamie Scherdin, Ohio Regional Coordinator of SFLA. Then, SFLA Staff voted on the top 3 groups that would be finalists. From there, people across the country voted for the best group.
–Grace, 16 (Junior)

When/how did you learn that you won?

During the National Leaders Collective Kickoff Weekend, it was announced that we won. We were so shocked and excited. We got our award and ran to Jamie to thank her. We couldn’t have done it without her and the rest of our supporters.
–Grace, 16 (Junior)

Why is the SFLA award a big deal?

Winning the top high school group in the nation was such an honor because it shows how passionate and dedicated we are to the mission. There are over 1,400 student groups across the country and people chose US! I believe that winning also showed how much our group did in only 6 months. From our first event in December of 2022 to now in June of 2023, I don’t think anyone ever saw us coming this far.
–Grace, 16 (Junior)

Interested in starting a Students for Life group in your area?
Contact Jamie Scherdin — jscherdin@studentsforlife.org or 540-684-8732

Posted August 2, 2023 at 11:03 am