New Appointments to the College of Consultors

Bishop Daniel E. Thomas makes the following announcement

The five-year term for the former members of the College of Consultors who have served from 2017-2022 has now come to a conclusion. I extend my gratitude to the former members for their counsel and generous service to our Diocese.

I am pleased to announce today that effective 8 March 2022, I have constituted a new College of Consultors, who according to law must be appointed for a term of five years and be chosen from among the members of the Presbyteral Council (cf. Canon 502 § 1). Their five year commitment extends from March 2022 through March 2027.

I thank the new members of the College of Consultors for accepting this additional responsibility, as they will be close collaborators with me in service to the Diocese of Toledo.

Bishop Daniel E. Thomas makes the following appointments to the College of Consultors for a five-year term, March 2022 through March 2027:

  • Reverend Dennis G. Walsh, Chairman
  • Very Reverend Nathan F. Bockrath
  • Very Reverend Kent R. Kaufman
  • Reverend David Kidd
  • Reverend Monsignor William J. Kubacki
  • Reverend John C. Miller
  • Very Reverend Joseph T. Poggemeyer
  • Very Reverend Philip Smith
  • Very Reverend Scott S. Woods

Posted March 14, 2022 at 6:41 pm