Statement of Bishop Daniel E. Thomas on 9 Days for Life, a National Novena

In an effort to promote the dignity of every human life, including the unborn, Bishop Daniel E. Thomas is inviting all clergy and the faithful of the Diocese of Toledo to join the nationwide 9 Days for Life campaign which begins Saturday, January 21 and runs through Sunday, January 29.

The 9 Days for Life campaign is grounded in prayer as it is a novena that the U.S. bishops' have established to propel us to action to defend the dignity of human life. The campaign each year is around the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion throughout all nine months of pregnancy.

Each day of the novena examines a different pro-life issue and encourages participants to respect human life at every stage and condition.

“Together, through our prayer and fruitful action, may our country be moved one day closer when we will see abortion, illegal and unthinkable, and we see every human life respected, cherished and loved,” said Bishop Thomas.

To participate in the novena, visit The website features a video with Cardinal Dolan calling the campaign "a great way to put our faith into action." The site offers four ways to receive daily prayers, suggested reflections, and practical actions, including links to the free 9 Days for Life smartphone app. The campaign will be featured on the People of Life Facebook page, on Twitter @USCCBprolife, and in the bishops' Instagram feed.

Posted January 20, 2017 at 2:46 pm