Statement of the Diocese of Toledo on the Release of the “McCarrick Report”

With the release today of the Report on the Holy See’s Institutional Knowledge and Decision- Making Related to Former Cardinal Theodore Edgar McCarrick (1930-2017), the Diocese of Toledo is gratified that the calls by many, including Bishop Daniel Thomas, for a full investigation were heeded and culminated in this report. As Bishop Thomas said of McCarrick’s depraved moral failures: We cannot tolerate any abuse within the Catholic Church, and the moral failures of Theodore McCarrick bring home the need to be diligent in responding to accusations in a timely and just manner, no matter who is accused or when the abuse took place.

As the report and its findings are digested and understood, our thoughts and prayers turn first and foremost to those who have suffered abuse. Once again, with this report, all of us in the Church are reminded of the wounds that are inflicted by some whose immoral actions betray their office, and the need for ongoing repentance and resolve to forthrightly address any such actions. We hope that the continued transparency and commitment of the church regarding the issue of sexual abuse of minors and of vulnerable adults promotes both justice and healing.

To report any sexual abuse of a minor by diocesan personnel (bishop, priest, deacon, consecrated religious brother/sister, or lay person), immediate contact should be made with local civil authorities, and with the Diocese of Toledo’s Victim Assistance Coordinator who can be reached at 419-244-6711, ext. 4880.

A full text of the “McCarrick Report” can be found here.

A full text of the statement of United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) President Archbishop Jose H. Gomez can be found here.

Documents that reflect the updating and strengthening of Church policy:

  • Full text of Pope Francis’s Apostolic Letter “Vos Estis Lux Mundi” can be found here.
  • Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith Vademecum on Certain Points of Procedure in Treating Cases of Sexual Abuse of Minors Committed by Clerics can be found here.
  • Full information about the Church’s response to sexual abuse of minors (USCCB document) can be found here.
  • USCCB info graphic regarding the development and strengthening of the child and youth protection program from the Dallas Charter to today can be found here.
  • Full details of how the Diocese of Toledo handles reports of the sexual abuse of a minor can be found here.

A full text of Bishop Thomas’s statement on McCarrick’s “depraved moral failures” (Aug. 2, 2018) can be found here.


Posted November 10, 2020 at 5:22 pm