The World Day of Migrants and Refugees is observed every year on the last Sunday of September. First celebrated in 1914, it is an occasion to encourage Catholics worldwide to remember and pray for those displaced by conflict, persecution, and economic difficulties. A wide variety of resources are available to assist individuals and families, parishes, schools and other institutions in the commemoration of the World Day of Migrants and Refugees, which will be marked on September 29, 2024, incorporating the theme "God Walks with his People.".

We encourage all in the Diocese of Toledo to commemorate this day with prayer and accompaniment.

The Prayer for the 2024 World Day of Migrants and Refugees:

God, Almighty Father,

we are your pilgrim Church journeying towards the Kingdom of heaven.

We live in our homeland, but as if we were foreigners.

Every foreign place is our home, yet every native land is foreign to us.

Though we live on earth, our true citizenship is in heaven.

Do not let us become possessive of the portion of the world you have given us as a temporary home.

Help us to keep walking, together with our migrant brothers and sisters, toward the eternal dwelling you have prepared for us.

Open our eyes and our hearts so that every encounter with those in need becomes an encounter with Jesus, your Son and our Lord.


Sample Prayers of the Faithful:

For the Refugees:

Heavenly Father, we pray for refugees who are forced to leave their familiar grounds due to armed conlicts, communal and cultural wars, natural disasters, displacements caused by development projects. Bless them with inner strength and perseverance as they confront the trials of relocation and integration. Provide them with access to resources and support networks that empower them to rebuild their lives with dignity and assurance. Guide us in bridging the gaps that divide us, so that all migrants may discover a sense of belonging and acceptance. We pray to the Lord.

For Unity and Compassion Among Nations:

O God of all nations, ignite the hearts of world leaders to collaborate with compassion and empathy, acknowledging the inherent dignity and value of every migrant. Direct their efforts in formulating policies and initiatives that foster peace, justice, and solidarity across borders. Grant them the courage to confront xenophobia and prejudice, embracing our shared humanity as members of your global family. We pray to the Lord...

For all the Faithful:

Father God, grant us the grace to perceive the face of Christ in every migrant, prompting us to respond with love and compassion to their needs. Inspire us to construct bridges of understanding and cooperation, forging a world where all individuals are embraced and esteemed. We pray to the Lord...

What is Accompaniment?

In his latest message for the World Day of Migrants and Refugees, Pope Francis emphasizes the theme “God Walks with His People.” This theme serves as a reminder that God consistently accompanies His people throughout history, guiding and providing for them, much like He did for the Israelites. Pope Francis draws a parallel between the experiences of migrants today and the ancient Israelites’ journey from slavery to freedom, highlighting the similar challenges of oppression and hardship they face.

Pope Francis states, “Like the people of Israel in the time of Moses, migrants often flee from oppression, abuse, insecurity, discrimination, and lack of opportunities for development. Similar to the Jews in the desert, migrants encounter many obstacles in their path: they are tried by thirst and hunger; they are exhausted by toil and disease; they are tempted by despair.”

As Catholics, we are commanded by Jesus (MT 25) to provide support and care for the most vulnerable among us, including the naked, the hungry, the imprisoned, and the stranger. Through this outreach, we are called to accompany migrants at all stages of their journey: from the point of origin, through transit, and to their final destination.

In the context of migration, accompanying migrants involves helping, supporting, serving, and advocating for them from the beginning of their migration experience to its end. Accompaniment fosters mutual understanding and provides formation and leadership opportunities for both directly impacted communities and their supporters.

Examples of accompaniment include:

  • Assist undocumented immigrants with their regular check-ins with ICE or attending mandatory immigration hearings and court proceedings;
  • Become involved as a volunteer at the parish, diocesan, or national level, to assist migrants and refugees;
  • Nurture the idea of encounter by organizing an event at your parish and invite a migrant to tell their story to your fellow Catholics and all people of good will.

The following websites also provide information about the World Day of Migrants and Refugees:

Pope Francis' Message for the World Day of Migrants and Refugees 2024 - Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development

World Refugee Day Website (

Migrant & Refugee Kit (

National Migration Week 2024 – Justice for Immigrants

World Day of Migrants and Refugees (