40 Days for Life Spring Campaign is built on prayer and fasting, peaceful witness and a public community outreach mission to end abortion in our community. We invite you to pray for an hour from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. in front of the Toledo Women’s Center, (formerly Capital Care Network) the abortion clinic located at 1160 W. Sylvania Avenue. To learn more or to sign up for daily prayer intentions, hours of prayers and information on upcoming events visit: www.40daysforlife.com/toledo.

Since the international 40 Days for Life Campaign began in 2007, over 1 million volunteers in over 63 nations have stood in prayerful witness at abortion clinics to witness to the dignity of human life. Through these prayerful campaigns, 22,829 babies have been saved from abortion, 247 abortion workers have quit their positions, and 132 abortion facilities closed! Questions? Email Kevin Jorrey, Office for Life and Justice Director, kjorrey@toledodiocese.org or Veronica Leguire at vleguire@gmail.com. Join the movement and help us end abortion in Northwest Ohio!

PARISH PROMOTION: https://www.40daysforlife.com/...