Fr. David Kidd, Director of the Office for Priestly Vocations, has been working with the leadership of each deanery in the Diocese of Toledo to schedule a deanery-wide Andrew dinner.

Find the Registration and Parental Permission Slip here.

Here are the registration links for the Andrew Dinners that have been scheduled:

St. Kateri TekakwithaSt. Stephen's -Tony PackosSunday, January 19th5 pm - 7 pm
St Juniper SerraDelphos St. John'sTuesday, January 28th6 pm - 8 pm
St. Katharine DrexelMaumee St. Joseph ChurchSunday, Feb. 2nd4:30pm - 6:30pm
St. John NeumannHuron St. PeterWednesday, Feb 19th6 pm - 8 pm
St. Maximillian DeaneryDefiance St. John the EvangelistSunday, Feb. 23rd5 pm - 7 pm
St. Juan DiegoGalion St. JosephWednesday, Feb. 26th6 pm - 8 pm
St. PhilomenaFremont St. JosephSunday, March 2nd2 pm - 4 pm
St. Francis of AssisiFindlay St. Michael’sWednesday, March 196 pm - 8 pm
St. AgnesSylvania St. JosephThursday, March 27th6 pm - 8 pm