E.M. Skinner Organ

The E.M. Skinner organ dates from 1930 and was one of the last instruments Ernest Skinner designed and finished before he retired from the company. It represents the culmination of his career and reflects the influences of Willis, Cavaille-Coll, and G. Donald Harrison. All of the unique orchestral voices invented or perfected by Skinner are found on the organ as well as a progressive treatment of a well-developed diapason chorus.

The organ chamber is located at the lofty triforium level in the south wall near the front of the cathedral. From a rather shallow 15’ deep chamber finished with hard plaster, the organ speaks clearly into the perfect acoustics of the cathedral. The console was originally housed in the choir loft opposite the pipe chamber but was moved in 1980 to the floor level of the sanctuary where the music area now is located.

In the late 1980’s the restorative work was completed by Sam Koontz of Ann Arbor, Michigan.The organ is currently serviced by the Muller Organ Co. of Croton, Ohio which has been selected to completely restore the organ in the near future. The organ remains today as Skinner left it in 1931, both tonally and mechanically.

E.M. Skinner Organ on Facebook

Refer to the events listing on this site for concerts at the cathedral featuring the organ.

TOP LIST 1930 Skinner Organ—Opus 820

Cathedral of Our Lady Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, Toledo, Ohio

—6-inch wind
—6-inch wind, enclosed
—10-inch wind, enclosed
16’ Double Diapason
8’ First Diapason
8’ Second Diapason
8’ Third Diapason †
8’ Viola †
8’ Harmonic Flute
8’ Gedeckt †
8’ Erzähler
4’ Octave
4’ Flute †
22/3’ Twelfth
2’ Fifteenth*
IV Chorus Mixture*
IV Harmonics*
16’ Trumpet*
8’ Tromba*
4’ Clarion*

† = enclosed in Choir
* = 10-inch wind
6’ Melodia
8’ Diapason*
8’ Salicional
8’ Voix Celeste
8’ Rohrflöte
8’ Flute Celeste II
8’ Echo Gamba
4’ Flute Triangulaire
4’ Octave*
2’ Flautino*
V Mixture*
16’ Waldhorn*
8’ Trumpet*
8’ Oboe d’Amore
8’ Vox Humana
4’ Clarion*

* = 10-inch wind
8’ Gamba
8’ Gamba Celeste
8’ Flauto Mirabilis
4’ Orchestral Flute
16’ Corno di Bassetto (ext. of 8 foot)
8’ Corno di Bassetto
8’ English Horn
8’ French Horn †
8’ Tuba Mirabilis †

† = 20-inch wind
—6-inch wind, enclosed
—6-inch wind, unenclosed

16’ Gamba
8’ Diapason
8’ Concert Flute
8’ Gamba
8’ Kleine Erzähler
8’ Kleine Celeste (t.c.)
4’ Gemshorn
4’ Flute
22/3’ Nazard
2’ Piccolo
III Carillon
16’ Fagotto
8’ Flügel Horn
8’ Clarinet

2’ Major Bass (ext. Bourdon)
16’ Diapason
16’ Contra Bass
16’ Metal Diapason (Great)
16’ Gamba (Choir)
16’ Dulciana
16’ Melodia (Swell)
16’ Bourdon
8’ Octave (ext. Diapason)
8’ ‘Cello (ext. Contra Bass)
8’ Gedeckt (ext. Brourdan)
8’ Stillgedeckt (Swell Melodia)
4’ Super Octave (ext. Contra)
IV Mixture*
32’ Fagotto (ext. Choir) †
16’ Trombone †
16’ Waldhorn (Swell)
16’ Fagotto (Choir)
8’ Tromba † (ext. Trombone)
* = 6-inch wind
† = 15-inch wind