Young Adult

Strengthening the faith of the next generation

Find community with other young adults – college students, graduate students, professionals, single, or married – and be formed as a joyful disciple of Christ. Grow in relationship with others who are actively pursuing holiness and can help you in your desire to live your Catholic faith as a young adult.

Take the next step

Join the “Toledo Catholic Young Adult Group” on Facebook for updates regarding current events and Theology on Taps in the Toledo area.

Contact your parish for local groups and events for Young Adults in your area.

Explore programs and resources designed for young adults:

Corpus Christi University Parish GAP (Graduates, Young Adults, Young Professionals)

EPIC- Freemont Young Adults- St. Ann and St. Joseph

Lima & Bluffton Young Adults

Little Flower, Toledo Young Adults

Rosary Cathedral Theology on Tap

Sodalitas – St. Joseph Downtown Toledo Young Adults

St. Joseph Maumee Young Adults

St. John XXIII Young Adults

St. Patrick of Heatherdowns SPH Real Life

Young Catholic Professionals Toledo Chapter

Contact your local parish office to learn about Young Adult Ministries near you.

Let's Connect

Complete the form below to reach out to our Parish Life Coordinator.

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