Rev. Eric Culler, JCL
Judicial Vicar
Mr. Joshua Korf, JCL
Ms. Dina Eckhardt
Manager of the Tribunal Office (DC, art. 61)
Msgr. Christopher Vasko, JCD
419-244-6711 or
Case Status:
Procedural Law:
Chaldean Catholics: 248-351-0440 or
We praise you, God of our ancestors, we praise your name for ever and ever. Let all your created order praise you forever. You made Adam, and Eve his partner and support; and those two were parents of the human race. This was your word: It is not good for the man to be alone; let us make him a helpmate like him. I now take this my beloved to be my partner, not out of self-interest but in true marriage. Grant that we may find mercy and grow old together. –Tobit 8:5b-7
The Toledo Diocesan Tribunal, together with the whole Church, believes in the sacramental dignity of that which Tobiah and Sarah called ‘true marriage’ - a marriage crafted in the will and love of God, a marriage that endures through good times and bad, through troubled times and graced times, which creates a fully functioning society in which husband and wife are coequal in dignity, responsibility and love, a society which becomes “sign and symbol of God’s love for his people.” In the service of justice and truth, the Tribunal assists those who believe that their marital consent did not rise to that dignity, and who therefore seek to ease the conscience regarding a past decision which directly led to a failed marital bond, or to obtain a declaration of freedom to marry according to the Law of Christ and of his Church.
To make available the services of truth and justice, as part of the general services funded in part by the ACA (Annual Catholic Appeal), the Diocese maintains a highly trained canonical staff versed in both the law and its application in a very human world. Please feel free to contact your local parish or any of our trained Case Sponsors to discuss beginning a process or to obtain further information.
Additional Tribunal Personnel
Rev. Msgr. Marvin G. Borger, JCL
Sr. Rose Marie Timmer, RSM, JCL
Defenders of the Bond
Dr. John Amos, JCD
Ms. Jenna Cooper, JCL
Sr. Christine Rody, JCL
Case Sponsor for Respondents
Ms. Patricia A. Eingle
Court Experts
Dr. Mark Babula, PsyD
Ms. Katherine Didion, LPCC-S
Mrs. Mary Ann Jepsen, MACPC, LPCC
Dr. Rosalyn E. Liston, PhD, RN
Sr. Maria Lin Pacold, RSM, MD
Auditor, Translator, and Office Manager for Chaldean Catholics
Mrs. Lubna Seba
Chaldean Diocese of St. Thomas the Apostle